The French Quarter

We spent quite a bit of time in the French Quarter, just wandering around and looking at the buildings and shops.
Pretty iron balconies in the French Quarter This is the quarter by day.  There are lots of old buildings, happy people, and nice wrought iron railings. 

There is also a Baskin-Robbins ice cream store just to the left of the white car there.  Ice cream is excellent on a hot New Orleans day.


We also spent some time on Bourbon Street, but it is only interesting at night (and the most interesting parts of it are indoors), so I didn't take any pictures.  I may get around to scanning in some postcards for this spot, depending on the demand.

Bourbon street is an extremely tacky place.  I can imagine that it was once an interesting place with lots of good entertainment, some of it risqué.  Now it's a lot like Soho in London.  It's full of really tacky sex shops, stripper clubs with women at the door trying to convince you to enter, and stores full of liquor and obscene tee-shirts.  However, there are still some bars with live music (quite a few, in fact), and now they play loud enough that you can easily eavesdrop on great music just by walking slowly down the middle of the street.